The Erie County Public Library strives to make materials, information and services accessible to all. We recognize that some of our users have special needs and may require modifications or assistive devices to allow them to utilize everything the Library has to offer.
The Blasco Library has the following:
- Kurzweil Reader with voice synthesizer software and headphones to “read” a book, magazine or newspaper. It is located on the 1st floor near the information desk.
- Closed circuit Freedom Scientific magnifier for print resources. It has magnification and adjustable color contrast for easier viewing and readability. Located near information desk on the 1st floor.
- Ruby handheld book magnifiers at the first floor information desk.
- Internet access for the visually-impaired. All Windows 10 computers feature internet access with both screen magnification and text-to-speech software. Located in the internet lab on the 2nd floor.
- Adjustable workstations. For greater comfort and convenience. Located in the internet lab on the 1st floor.
- Adult and children’s audio books. Located in Mead Children’s Library and 1st floor adult areas. Audio books are also located at all other library outlets. Digital audio titles are available via Overdrive and hoopla. A valid library card is required for these services.
- Adult Large print book collections. Fiction is located on the second floor of the Blasco Library and is also available at all other library outlets.
- Assistance with access to programs offered by the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Librarians can explain how this program can provide in-home delivery of specialized technology and library material.