Interlibrary Loan requests may take additional time to process due to limited library service nationwide. Thank you for your understanding during this time.
ILL Department, Blasco Memorial Library
(814) 451-6922
Monday-Friday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm.
What is interlibrary loan?
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service which allows the Erie County Public Library to borrow materials from libraries outside of Erie County for Erie and Crawford County residents.
What can be borrowed?
We make every effort to utilize the resources within Erie County. In compliance with the Pennsylvania Interlibrary Loan Guidelines, we cannot request items currently available for use within Erie County. This includes materials checked out, reference books, and Heritage Room materials. Please check our catalog to see if we own the item before submitting an ILL request.
The following items may not be requested through interlibrary loan:
- Bestsellers and materials published in the previous 6 months
- Entire magazine or journal issues
- Playviews or Launchpads
- Great Courses sets
- Textbooks or course materials needed for longer than 2 weeks
- Electronic books and licensed software
- Materials costing less than $10 to purchase, including paperback books and DVDs, unless out of print
- Items owned by members of the Public Libraries of Erie County
If you would like one of these items, please fill out a suggest a title request.
Who can place a request?
Patrons age 15 or older with a current Erie County Public Library card in good standing can place a request. Requests cannot be placed using a temporary card. You must use your own card. There is a limit of two (2) requests at a time per card.
Interlibrary loan is a privilege. Patrons will be held financially responsible for damage to or loss of an interlibrary loan item. Costs of lost or damage items are determined by the lending library. Continued disregard of due dates, a history of mishandling ILL materials, or a pattern of neglecting to pick up requested materials may result in suspension of Interlibrary Loan privileges.
How long will it take for my items to arrive? How long can I borrow them?
Interlibrary loan items usually take between 6-8 weeks to arrive. If you no longer need the requested item, or if you will be unable to pick up the item, immediately contact the ILL department.
Materials circulate for 2 weeks. If you need more time, please contact the ILL department at least 3 days before the due date to request a renewal. Renewals are granted at the discretion of the owning library and are not guaranteed. There is an overdue fee of $0.50 per day.
How much does a request cost?
The ILL staff will make every effort to obtain materials at no cost. Occasionally, other libraries may charge a lending fee. We will contact you in advance to confirm your willingness to pay these costs.