Heritage Room Highlights

In a building with fantastic views of Presque Isle Bay and the U.S. Brig Niagara, it makes sense that the Heritage Room at the Blasco Memorial Library has an extensive maritime collection, and offers a variety of texts to please any sailor’s reading needs. Within the collection, patrons can read about maritime and naval history, knot tying, pirates, shipwrecks on the Great Lakes, and how to fix boats. For landlubbers, there’s plenty to explore in the Heritage Room – take a look at our list of Heritage collection highlights:


Seawolves Scrapbooks– Relive your favorite season of local baseball 1999-2016 with scrapbooks provided by the Seawolves Boosters and prepared by John Passarelli.






Family Lineage Books– Browse our collection of donated family genealogy titles to see the genealogical research of member of your direct or allied lines.







Military Books– Learn how brave citizens of Erie County participated in American military conflicts from the Revolution to Vietnam. Your Veteran relatives may be listed in these items.






The Vertical File– Search hundreds of local history topics, arranged by subject.  The vertical file contains newspaper clippings, pamphlets, signs, reports, and articles.







Cemetery Records– Track down elusive grave markers before making the trip with our collection of cemetery indices. Pair these with the online resource Find-a-Grave to help locate the final resting place of your ancestors.






Historic Maps and Atlases– See how your neighborhood has changed, or what it used to be called in our collection of map atlases and historic maps.